About college

Vilnius Business College . is a non-profit private organization having over 20 year of experience in providing higher education as well as formal and informal education in the fields of Business Administration, Languages and ICT. Our main target groups are secondary school graduates and working adults, unemployed, and socially exclusive groups. The College also provides training for people who already have some work experience or acquired certain education or training and decided to either renew their competence and skills, or to acquire knowledge and qualification in new areas.

We offer full-time (3 year) and part-time (4 year) studies in the fields of:

  • English for International Communication
  • Digital Business
  • Logistic Business
  • Business Management and Marketing
  • International Hospitality Management
  • Beauty and Wellness Business
  • Business Development and Entrepreneurship
  • Programming and Internet Technologies
  • Game Development
  • Interactive Media and Technologies

Vilnius Business College started its international activity in 1994 and since then has been actively involved in the European Lifelong Learning Programme projects under Erasmus+, Nord Plus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, E-learning, etc. The College has developed an extensive network of foreign partners to promote the college in the international educational context.

Vilnius Business College     Kalvarijų str. 125, Vilnius, Lithuania     +370 5 215 48 84,     infotechnologies@kolegija.lt; info@kolegija.lt    Login